Salman Khan Holds His Old Aged Mother Hand Video, Public Reaction Viral | Boldsky

2023-12-20 5

सलमान खान अपनी फैमिली के कितनी करीब है ये तो सब जानते हैं.वहीं अब सलमान का अपनी मां के लिए प्यार और इज्जत कैमरा के सामने दिखा. ये भी नजर आया कि वो अपनी मां का कितना ख्याल रखते हैं. ये वीडियो देखने के बाद लोगों ने रिएक्शन देना शुरू कर दिया.

Everyone knows how close Salman Khan is to his family. Now Salman's love and respect for his mother was shown in front of the camera. It was also visible how much he cares for his mother. After watching this video, people started reacting.

#SalmanKhan #PublicReaction